Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Pay it Forward time

I visited Lastel's blog and found that she was "Paying It Forward" and since I was one of the first to comment on her blog article..I get a "prize" from her, but I also have to offer up prizes to others. So, if you are one of the first 3 people to post on this blog article, I will email you for your address and send you out a goodie. I ask that you are living in the U.S., so shipping doesn't break the fragile bank...thanks!


Anonymous said...

Wow it looks like I am the first.. How exciting. I love your creations, especially love how you have been keeping up with the challenge of 1 page a day..


Judi said...

I enjoy your website. I love paying it forward too.

Nany said...

well I know this was in January but still open the third place... can I win something???????hehe